Plastic Surgery

In about 2013, I tripped a fell in Wegman’s parking lot.  The next thing I knew I was in Doctor’s Hospital.   I was soon released with the information that I had broken my right eye socket and was given the number of a plastic surgeon that I should call.  After many tries, I got no answer.  I believe that that was lucky.

Instead, I found Dr. Bryan Ambro at the Annapolis Plastic Surgery, who took me on an emergency basis.  My eyeball was hanging below the socket.  He operated and to hold my eyeball in, inserted a metal mesh hammock-like thing, He didn’t like the placement after the first operation and told my wife Pat that he needed operate again and “fiddle around” a bit.  This time he said it was “just right.”

It took a long time for the eye to adjust even with prism glasses- which I no longer need.

Even in the beginning, my distance vision was wonderful.

Later, I learned that glasses that focused 24 inches ahead, worked fine.  Making it easy to work at the computer and to play the piano.

However, things about 12 inches or less is still a problem.

  1. I even now can only read the headlines of a newspaper.  I can, but don’t read the newspaper online.  Anything small is a problem.
  2. Singing in the Collington Singers as well as reading any small print was awful. My right eye would “teer up”.  My left eye, in sympathy, would also “teer up” and I had to read though watering eyes.  Almost impossible.  This has improved a great deal and now I only occasionally have this problem.
  3. When I look far left and far right, I still see double. However, I can compensate for that by turning my head.

My ophthalmologist, Dr. Jeremy Snow, after all those months of trauma, says that there has been no change in my prescription.  He says that I am lucky to still have a working eyeball and I agree.

Many, many thanks to Dr. Ambro.


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